Zurich style
The people of Zurich prefer it a little more racy than the people of Bern. To speed up the game, change the following rules: - Each player can throw one of his cards (or one of his fellow players) onto the discard pile at any time if it has the same value. However, only one card may be "thrown in" and the faster card wins. If the player throws a card from the other player, he may then give one of his cards to the other player. - Calling "GLOSCHLI" is now an action. When the player's turn comes, he can either call "GLOSCHLI" or perform an action, but not both at the same time. - The two combo cards (No. 15) become solo cards. If a player could remove all his cards except one solo card, he may also call "GLOSCHLI". He is rewarded with 0 points and in the next round with the corresponding advantages.
Game for two
This is a really good two player variation: At the beginning the players are dealt nine cards face down in a 3 x 3 grid. The players may look at three of these cards and then put them back face down. It is played according to the original Gloschli rules with additional actions:  - If a player has two or more cards of the same value in his face down game, he can discard them as an action by placing them together on the discard pile.  - If a player knows that he has the combination 15, 2, 3, 4 in his face down game, he can also discard it as an action by placing these four cards on the discard pile. If an action error occurs, the player must take back all his cards played incorrectly and is penalized with an additional card from the pile. This card is placed face down next to his other cards.
Play the game with real insects. You can serve them while playing, or make up some rules when you have to eat them. You can find them here: →←
Rat Hole
Do you want pure chaos? Then just let your points disappear down the rat hole! If you manage to score exactly the agreed point limit (50 or 100 points), your points will be halved (25 or 50 points) and you will probably suddenly be in first place again.
© 2020 Gloschli
Aarefabrik GmbH